By Patty Shaw on Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Category: Moon Magic

Full moon in Sagittarius on May 29, 2018

Patty positively is my handle here at Coventry Creations. It was given to me years ago by Shelly. She saw me as the most positively inclined person she’d ever met. Sometimes she called me Patty Prozac, though funny, it’s not my favorite.

This full moon is in the patty positively sign of the zodiac. A Sagittarius moon brings the kind of optimism that will make you leap into your work eyes wide open with solutions to problems that were holding you back just last week.

Everyone has their favorite tools that trick them into success.

Mine are, and you are welcome to try them out for yourself, High John Hoo Doo oil, the Full Moon candle, Luck Affirmation candle and a positive attitude. When I am having trouble expressing my ideas, I put a little High John oil in a diffuser or on a cotton ball and breathe it in. It smooths out all the thoughts leaving the station at the same time into a nice well told story of beginning, middle and end. I enjoy burning the Full moon candle because of the spiritual properties of the scent. The Frankincense is very uplifting for my soul and I feel more connected to my purpose. The Cedarwood opens me up to divine inspiration. The Jasmine is very nurturing and it’s like getting a hug that tells me I’m doing fine.

When I’m feeling stuck, I give in to burning the Luck Affirmation candle. I’m the kind of woman who says I create my own luck, but sometimes I get in my own way and jumble everything up. That is when I spark up a Luck Affirmation candle and let it detangle me with the luck of being in the right place at the right time until I can mentally and emotionally get on the right page. One of my most used tricks is what a friend of mine advised me to use is; “fake it til you make it.” Doing that frequently earned me the name Patty positively. If Shelly sees my faking it as being positive, I’ll take it. What are your tools that trick you into success? Take full advantage of them and then wear your Witches Union Crown of Success patch to show us you are an adept with creative magic.

Drop us a note on our Facebook page with your success stories!

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