Heavenly bodies have so much to teach us. I have written years of Moon Magic blogs just from the wisdom of moon and her adventures through the zodiac constellations. Combine that with a theme and ta da, there is another layer of delicious thinking to enjoy.
So, if you have something to say, plan to say it now.
We are not the only ones who have something to say and this brings me to our theme, divine guidance. There is us and there is them when it comes to divine guidance. For the most part, we chug along solving our own problems feeling reasonably satisfied we’ve been pretty smart and informed about our decisions. It’s when we’ve made a mess and we can’t think our way out of, we turn to the power greater than us; the divine. Ah the joy of reconnecting and getting humble. Clearly it’s not easy for us or we wouldn’t have so many ways to learn how; yoga classes, meditation groups, and pre-recorded guided visualization is the short list. Even with all that help there are times we resist the divine guidance softly playing in the background of our mind. It is often ignored because of its tenderness and simplicity. We have become so accustomed to big and bold wins the race that the value of our still small voice becomes greatly underestimated. Even people who meditate daily have noticed they are tempted to argue with the wisdom from within. I’ve done it myself. Listening to guidance takes patience and courage. We need to be patient with ourselves because it takes time to relax and listen. It takes courage to follow through on what we’ve heard. During the new moon this month I challenge you to test yourself. Take the time to get reacquainted with the unique way the divine guides you. Be still and let it do all the talking for a while, you will not regret it and you will learn many new things. Your mind will be opened to solutions and inspirations. All it takes is you, your time and your willingness to pay attention.
Drop us a note on our Facebook page with your success stories!