Coventry Creations Blogs

Full moon in Taurus on November 3, 2017

Nov 3 full moon image.smallWe’ve just experienced the veil thinning and I hope you were able to feel the love your spirit guides and ancestors have for you. They are the tireless cheer leading squad that sings, when you fall down, just get up again, we believe in you.

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New moon in Libra on October 19, 2017

New Moon October

Yay, the new moon is upon us and in the sign of Libra. Balance is the secret of a successful life, for it’s when we live life in balance we are able to endure the journey. It’s a long and hard road at times and if we burn out, game over before we’ve accomplished something.

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Magic without passion is just posturing

October HMThe power behind your thought is passion. When you’re positively passionate about your work, it’s beautiful. When you are negatively passionate about your work it’s tragic. It’s still beautiful, even though its beauty comes through surviving pain. If you don’t have any passion your thoughts don’t go anywhere.

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Full moon in Aries on October 5, 2017

Full Moon OctoberAs the full moon rises in the sign of Aries on October 5th I’m inclined to ask, “What’s your style of magic? Are you making the most of it? Aries people are energetic, forceful and outgoing. They are climbers of cliffs and all that gets them to higher altitudes after all.

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New moon in Virgo on September 19, 2017

New Moon SeptemberA new moon is our opportunity to begin again. In our theme of getting back to basics, I am reminded of clutter and the obscenity of it all. If having too much stuff is stressing you out and cluttering your mind, it’s time to make your three piles.

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Old wives tales, Reiki and Magic have something in common

SEP HMOld wives tales, folklore, reiki, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine, Tai Ch’i, shamanism, spiritualism and magic have something in common. They have a rich tradition in working in harmony with what is found in nature to help us heal our body, mind and emotions.

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Full moon in Pisces on September 6, 2017

Full Moon Pisces September 6thEver feel like you are drowning in intellectual property? There are times my brain just screams, stop, stop, stop. That’s when I need a mental vacation before my nerve endings start to smolder. On September 6th the Pisces moon understands that and will show us how to have productive check out times so our brain can process all we’ve given it so it can rest.

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New moon in Leo on August 21, 2017

New Moon Leo August 21stBeing a creative magician takes courage, a bit of flair and knowing what you are going for. Absorb the energy of the August new moon as you build up your mettle to manifest. Leo the lion will help you tap into your inner resources because you’ll need a strong and focused will too.

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25 ways to heal with Coventry Creations

August Healing MagicAugust 2017 begins the celebration of twenty five years of being in the business of helping people improve themselves and their life. Soon you will be inundated with 25 of this and 25 of that. All of it will be entertaining, eye opening and just plain amazing.

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Good boundaries begin with you

July Healing MagicMy journey, like so many of us, required me to understand who I am. Until that happened, I could not draw a line in the sand and find it still there in the morning. The ocean of life kept washing it away.

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  2018 Hits

New moon in Cancer on June 24, 2017

New Moon JuneCancer is the sign of nurturing, protecting and sustaining. This is exactly what we need when we are faced with a life change. It doesn’t matter if it was planned or completely unexpected, we all have our feelings about change. Like the crab, seek shelter when you’ve become overwhelmed with all the new information and feelings bombarding you.

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Not all transitions are alike

Healing Magic June Your TransitionEveryone knows that change is a part of life and it is undeniably a powerful teacher. We really can’t ignore the lessons that change and transition brings to us. Of course there are times we rail against them, shake our fist, pull our hair and pound on pillows because they are not what we want.

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  2017 Hits

Full moon in Sagittarius on June 9, 2017

Full Moon JuneTransition is the process in which something changes from one state to another. Our state of being is transitory. Rarely are we completely stagnant. Something about us is always in process. It could be as deep as a change of mind or as superficial as a change of clothes.

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Spiritual remedy for a boiling pot

The pots is not only about to boil, it is boiling and you don’t feel you have the wherewithal to respond to it. When your cup is full, life takes on a completely different hue. It’s tempting to slide into your lowest common denominator when you know you can’t get it all done, or there are too many stressors, or too many bad things have happened.

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Heather Heartfull's Love Spell


Our newest limited edition: The Power Brokers are here!  Introducing our special  pour of the the ladies The Love Edition. These candles combine ideas of empowerment and self improvement while focusing on matters of the heart and learning to love yourself.


Heather Heartful for Love Spell.  This is charisma in a candle. Lovespell is about bringing out all your charm leaving everyone enamored with you.  This is also a great candle to burn before things like presentations and job interview. Just be careful using it before speed dating!


The Power Brokers will only be available for a short time.  Whether you are looking to gain confidence, finding love or being an independant woman; these ladies are here for you!

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Talking to the dead

b2ap3_thumbnail_talking-to-the-dead.jpgTalking to our Ancestors

The Curiosity of who we are inevitably leads to the question of where we came from.  We honor our ancestors for many different reasons.  Sometimes it is necessary to dive in deeper and get up close and personal with our loved ones.  If you feel the need to communicate with those who came before you, we can offer our help in the way of the Limited Edition Seance Candle and the Witches Brew Original as a way to clear the space and help you be in the right space to communicate and understand the messages you receive.

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30 Days of Miracles: Think about some of your worst mistakes and look at them from the outside in,

b2ap3_thumbnail_Day21.jpgThink about some of your worst mistakes and look at them from the outside in, as if you were looking at someone else’s life. Would you forgive the mistakes? How would you counsel that person? Now look from the inside - out and forgive yourself. What does it feel like to let go of those past mistakes?


- Jacki Smith

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