Coventry Creations Blogs

Full moon in Aquarius July 27, 2018

ArticleFullMoonMagic 470sqThe energy of an Aquarian full moon may be rebellious and eccentric, but it has some practical aspects to it too. This energy is great for pushing us forward and looking to the future with originality and a healthy amount of scientific and logical thinking.

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Full Moon in Capricorn June 27, 2018

Full Moon in Capricorn June 27 2018We are under the influence of a Capricorn full moon. This means get to work! The energy of this moon is all about one step after the other all the way to the top (and without much rest either).

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Deal with your fear and feel invincible

HM Deal with your fear and feel invincibleEvery now and again I get a flurry of inquiries about psychic protection. Are you teaching a class? What crystals should I carry? Which candle do I need for my situation? I was told I need a spiritual cleansing, what’s that? These questions often come from people just learning about energy.

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