Coventry Creations Blogs

New Moon in Aries April 8, 2024

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Both the New and Full moons this month harness the power of spiritual deep cleaning and transformation. The secret to your metamorphosis will be turning your pain into strength. Storm Cestavani points out that the Sun, Moon, and our friend Chiron will align to open the door to personal insights that could lead your soul to liberation, and closer to reaching your potential.

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Spring Growth Spell

April2024 WitchesUnion

Springtime is a season of renewal and rebirth, a perfect time to infuse our lives with fresh energy and new beginnings. Whether you're looking to cultivate personal growth, embark on a new venture, or simply bring more balance and joy into your daily existence, a Spring Growth Spell can be a powerful tool.

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Basil, the Ultimate Guide to a Classic Magical Herb

April2024 HerbMagic 400px

Basil. It’s not just a good name for sheep. When you think of basil, it’s likely your brain jumps to food. The Italian and Thai peoples in particular, make extensive use of this most aromatic of herbs. Considered a royal herb, Basil’s Latin name, Basileus means “king” and its Greek name, Basilikon, aligns it to the Basilisk.

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Full Moon in Scorpio April 23, 2024

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With the moon coming into its fullness in the sign of Scorpio on April 23, 2024, we will feel its sting go straight to our self-image. Don’t judge Scorpio, she is a healer and she didn’t put those dark thoughts in our heads, she’s just reminding us that they are still there.

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Full Moon in Libra March 25, 2024

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This month, the Full Moon is in the sign of Libra on March 25, 2024. Since there is also a lunar eclipse, Storm cautions us against doing any aggressive magic. Instead, he recommends we focus on protection spells. Libra is one of the signs that governs legal matters which makes this an auspicious time for resolving legal hassles.

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New Moon in Pisces, March 10, 2024

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New moons always represent new beginnings, even if it is starting the next chapter in a book or turning over a new leaf. To make it even more exciting, this month the new moon is in the sign of Pisces. That means the veil between you and inspiration is thinner which makes it so much easier to listen to your muse.

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Full Moon in Virgo, February 24, 2024

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Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024

Enter, the cycle-breaking moon. Procrastination is the biggest buster toward your success and if you really want to change that, this full Moon in Virgo has the power to shift you from couch potato to action Annie.

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New Moon in Aquarius February 9, 2024

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New Moon in Aquarius on February 9, 2024

Storm says, on February 9, 2024, we reach the heart of Aquarius season with the New Moon. This is an extremely social New Moon that’s excellent for building your network and circle of friends.

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The Lasting Allure of Lavender in Love Magic

Jan2024 HerbMagic

The Lasting Allure of Lavender in Love Magic

TL;DR: Lavender's legacy in love magic is as enduring as it is enchanting. From ancient baths to modern bedrooms, its role in kindling and nurturing love has remained unchallenged. The captivating scent and the deep-rooted history of lavender continue to make it an essential element in the pursuit of love and romance.

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Friendship and the Muse Within

Jan2024 Magic101 400px

Writing is a collaborative event. We think we’re writing all by ourselves only to realize there is someone whispering in our ear. It happens when we pause to laugh at a funny thought or wipe away tears created by a touching inspiration.

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Candle Ritual for Crystal Clear Cognition

Nov2023 FullMoon 400px

During this Full Moon, we are juggling two major influences. The Full Moon in Gemini and Mercury square Neptune. We will need a little extra candle magic to get through the potential shenanigans.


When Mercury squares Neptune, miscommunication is likely because dreamy Neptune can inadvertently scramble our minds and cause confusion.

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Candle Ritual for Fruitful Introspection

Nov2023 NewMoon 400px

Our friend Scorpio is back and has filled this New Moon with its powerful vibrations of transformation and rebirth. It’s an open invitation to take a journey to explore your inner landscapes and deal with what you find there. When the moon is new, it’s dark because it’s not reflecting any light.

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Candle Ritual to Increase Self-Love

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Full Moon in Taurus on October 28, 2023

“Keep calm and carry on” is our mantra for this Full Moon. Not because it’s in Taurus, but because of its lunar eclipse and the bonus features of being conjunct with Jupiter and Uranus.

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Candle Ritual to Protect Your Home

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New Moon in Libra on October 14, 2023 

Storm Cestavani recommends we only do protection and clearing work during a Solar Eclipse and while the New Moon is in Libra. We’ve given you a sweet little protection candle ritual to keep you grounded and out of harm's way during the solar eclipse.

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Candle Ritual for Staying Open-minded

Sep2023 FullMoon 400px

During this Full Moon, we have some exciting energies at play. Aries is a predominant figure and true to this sign, the energy is outgoing and forceful. Great for getting things started, but not so good when cooperation and seeing another’s point of view is what’s needed.

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Candle ritual for landing your big idea

Sep2023 NewMoon 400px

Ideas and inspirations are the foundation of everything physical. Without our powerful minds, life would be very different. This is also true about our emotions, particularly passion which is the love child of drive and desire. This New Moon in Virgo on September 14, 2023, is enjoying a special relationship with the element Earth.

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Candle ritual for successful manifesting

Aug2023 FullMoon 400px

A full moon in Pisces means accelerated psychic and intuitive activity. A perfect time to land that great idea and manifest it. Ideas are just ideas until you put them through a process that includes a few more important steps than letting the light bulb go on in your mind.

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New Moon, new you.

Aug2023 NewMoon 400px

Every month, when the moon is new, the doors for new possibilities and opportunities open. On August 16th the New Moon is aglow with the dynamic energy of Leo the Lion, which means you are in the spotlight. Use this precious time to polish and shine yourself so your own inner light blazes through.

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Candle Ritual for Breaking Through to the Good Life

Aug2023 FullMoon

Ah, the Aquarian Full Moon. A very special three days for breaking the bonds of the things and people that hold you back. If you find yourself needing to put the past behind you and create momentum in a new direction, here’s a candle ritual for you.

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Candle Ritual for Increasing Abundance

July2023 NewMoon

A New Moon in the sign of Cancer creates lots of opportunities to start a family, a home renovation project, heal family rifts and improve relationships. I don’t know about you, but when the moon says here’s your opportunity to grow something beautiful, I’m all for it.

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