Coventry Creations Blogs

Candle Ritual for RE-Aligning with your Destiny

New Moon in Sagittarius December 4, 2021


The excitement of this new moon can’t be denied. The Sun is in Sagittarius and in an eclipse while the moon is new and also traveling through the sign of Sagittarius. Talk about abundant possibilities and bursting potentials.

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Lay low this lunar eclipse

Beware of the Full Moon on the 19th, its energy is active with malefic or unfavorable influence from the star Alcyone of the Pleiadian constellation called the Seven Sisters. Storm highly recommends we lay low with the heavy-duty magic and focus on self-improvement and protection spells.

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Intention Candle Maker Coventry Creations Announces Astro Magic Candles, Herbal Candles with Magical Ties to Astrology

FERNDALE, MI., October 18, 2021 -- Coventry Creations, a leading supplier of intentional candles for insightful and magical lifestyles, is releasing a new line of astrology linked products called Astro Magic. The new products will include 10 boxed herbal candles with personal astrology guides and 10 similarly formulated sprays, each corresponding to celestial bodies or astrological events.


The products, with names like “Jupiter - Lucky Star,” for aligning your energy with Jupiter and “Mercury Retrograde - Neutralizer,” for combating the effects during Mercury Retrograde, are for those wanting to harness the energy and influences of the stars and heavenly bodies for spell crafting, intention work, and creative visualization meditations.


“As with all of our products, there was a lot of time spent getting each blend just right,” said Jacki Smith, president of Coventry Creations. “We didn’t just swipe a candle off the shelf, add an ingredient, and give it a different name. Our customers expect more. They expect that when they use a Coventry Creations candle, spray, oil, or any one of our other products, that it'll be high quality and effective. The Astro Magic line will live up to that same standard.”


Coventry Creations’ Astro Magic candles and sprays will go on sale November 1, 2021 and can be found, along with other Coventry Creations products, online and at retailers across the country.

About Coventry Creations

Coventry Creations intention candles, oils, spays and other magical items have been the preferred choice of the insightful community for 30 years. Our products are brought to life through carefully sourced, intention-appropriate ingredients and handcrafted in a sacred space located in Ferndale, MI. At Coventry Creations, our motto is: No matter your need or challenge, we have a candle for that.

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Candle Ritual for Dynamic Change

A New Moon in Scorpio means looking into the darker recesses of your past and either doing something about it or slamming the door shut again. If you choose to look and make changes, you will be doubly blessed by Uranus, the planet of dynamic change and freedom from the past.

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Candle Ritual for opening your eyes to your own bad habits

The Full Moon in Aries occurs on October 20. The good news is that Mercury is now direct! The bad news is that Mars (the ruler of Aries) is in detriment to Libra. So, to work with this energy, we must tweak how we would work with the planetary ruler.

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Candle Ritual for bringing your relationship to new heights

We reach the heart of Libra season on October 6 with the New Moon in the sign of the scales. Ordinarily, this would be an excellent time to draw a new relationship to you, but Mercury is currently 'retched out,' and Venus (the ruler of Libra) is to her detriment in Scorpio.

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Full Moon in Pisces on September 20, 2021

Full Moon in Pisces on September 20, 2021

The Full Moon occurs on September 20th in the sign of Pisces. Get out your snorkel, it’s time to swim. Your intuitive faculties will be at their peak, so it’s time to do magic that will help you enhance your intuition and focus on your dreams, meditation, and connecting with spirit.

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New Moon in Virgo on September 6, 2021

New Moon in Virgo on September 6, 2021

The New Moon this month occurs in the sign of Virgo on September 6th. This New Moon is about putting your life in order. It’s an excellent month to develop systems, focus on health and personal well-being, hire staff, and even find a new job.

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Full Moon in Aquarius on August 22, 2021

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 22, 2021

We are doing it again, we’ve got a Full Moon in Aquarius. Just like last month the energy is excellent for breaking through stagnant situations, developing better friendships, expanding your social circle, and opening yourself up to new experiences.

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New Moon in Leo on August 8, 2021

New Moon in Leo on August 8, 2021

Leo brings in the deep desire to be uniquely ourselves. This is another invitation to throw off the masks and personalities we’ve taken in life and try again to be fully self-actualized. For some, it will be a welcome breath of fresh air because being anyone but ourselves is oppressive.

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Full Moon in Aquarius, July 24, 2021

Full Moon in Aquarius on July 24, 2021

This Full Moon cycle is excellent for breaking through and opening yourself up to new experiences. This may feel right on point for you or you may need to do some introspection work first.

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New Moon in Cancer, July 9, 2021

New Moon in Cancer on July 9, 2021

The New Moon in Cancer on July 9, 2021, is here to help us with a new beginning in the home. The home is where we demonstrate our ability to create beauty, comfort, safety, security, abundance, and family.

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Full Moon in Capricorn June 24, 2021

The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 24, 2021 will do everything in its power to put you on a path to success. Bonus, Jupiter, the planet of expansion will take your big idea and make it even bigger. Storm Cestavani says to go for the brass ring and do everything you can to put a fire under your career’s butt.

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New Moon in Gemini June 10, 2021

The New Moon in Gemini on June 10, 2021, is nothing to play around with. This poor gal is aligned with a solar eclipse that is in conflict with Saturn and Mercury in retrograde. Storm Cestavani highly recommends we keep our nose clean and our head under the covers.

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Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021

The Full Moon is in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021, and is also experiencing a lunar eclipse. The funny thing about this eclipse, which is also in the south node, is that it compels us to let go of beliefs that used to be precious to us but are now the source of our pain.

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New Moon in Taurus May 11, 2021

This New Moon is aligned beautifully to help you put your money issues to rest. With your cooperation, the financial boo-boos of the past can be resolved along with the painful poor self-image that goes along with it. Bonus, luck can be your lady and she could pad your wallet with some cash.

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Full Moon in Scorpio April 26, 2021

The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26th swirls our subconscious and brings to the surface what still needs to be understood and healed. As old traumas, giant mistakes, and sins of the fathers come calling, do this candle ritual and release the past forever.

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New Moon in Aries on April 11, 2021

The New Moon in Aries occurs on April 11th. The Aries New Moon urges you to climb higher fearlessly and go after what you want. Yet, if you are still stuck at the bottom of your mountain, Aries wants you to know that determination and courage are what you need to break through what is holding you back.

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Full Moon in Libra on March 28, 2021

It’s a rare person who gets through life without a broken or bruised heart. Thankfully we have a Full Moon in Libra, the sign of relationships, here and armed with ice cream anda box of tissues. Why is this so important right now? It’s because this Full Moon opposes Venus and Chiron and our need to release the effects of painful and destructive relationships is top of mind and heart.

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New Moon in Pisces on March 13, 2021

A new moon in Pisces is a great time to dig deep into the problem areas in your life and ‘seek’ higher meaning. Not just to find a reason for all that has happened, but also to accept, forgive, and release. When you keep reliving the past traumas, you re-traumatize yourself on every level.

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