Coventry Creations Blogs

Candle Ritual for Opening Doors

July203 FullMoon

On July 3rd the Full Moon will be visiting Capricorn and getting the nod from Jupiter. These celestial vibrations open doors, create opportunities, accentuates cooperation, and most importantly, put a jetpack on anything you are planning to do. My question to you is, what do you need help with?

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Candle Ritual for Making Smart Wishes

June2023 NewMoon



The New Moon is in Gemini on June 18th, but she’s not alone. Neptune and Pisces are squared with her and are being a little crotchety about it. This means you will need to be very careful about what you desire or wish for.

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Candle Ritual for Meaningful Reflection

June 2023 FullMoon


June’s Full Moon is on the 3rd and in the sign of Sagittarius. Full moons are about looking at what is complete and then deciding if it needs to be let go or maintained. Each zodiac sign brings into focus a particular aspect of our life.

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Candle Ritual for Laying Fresh Ground

May2023 NewMoon

I love the way Storm Cestavani talks about the New Moon in Taurus on May 19, 2023. (See our May 2023 Astro Magic blog to see!) Yes, we’ve had lapses in judgment and made ill-advised decisions, but Storm affirms that this precious New Moon graciously grants us a path forward.

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Candle Ritual for Sending Warm Fuzzies to your Dark Side

May2023 FullMoon

Storm is not kidding when he says dial back on aggressive magic and doubly so during this Scorpio Full Moon on May 5, 2023. And if you were even remotely thinking about testing fate, let us remind you that this Full Moon is having a lunar eclipse too.

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Candle Ritual for Honoring Yourself

Apil2023 NewMoon

Seems like we’ve been here before. The New Moon is happening during a solar eclipse and is the wild card of astrology. Storm reminds us that this energy is really hard to control and even harder to direct for spell work, so don’t try.

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Candle Ritual for Sorting Out Friend From Foe

Apil2023 FullMoon

A Full Moon in the sign of Libra is the time to decide if you’re going to let the haters continue to rain on your parade. This Libra Full Moon will shine the light on where you are blocked and who the block is.

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Candle Ritual for Digging Deep to Find Your Soul’s Voice

March2023 FullMoon

Enter, the cycle-breaking moon. Procrastination is the biggest buster toward your success and if you really want to change, this full Moon in Virgo has the power to shift you from couch potato to action Annie. Oh, what joy you will feel when your ideas become your reality! Along with this Full moon in Virgo, Saturn moves out of Aquarius and dives into the deep waters of Pisces.

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Joy is the Magic you Seek

Feb2023 NewMoon

The New Moon in Pisces on February 20, 2023, opens the door to a better you and a better life because of its strong intuitive powers. Be still with this New Moon and let it expand your connection to your own intuition and discover what brings you joy.

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Change is Going to Do You Good

Feb2023 FullMoon

We are at that place again where the lunar energy reminds us change is inevitable and it can be a good thing. Leo, the lion’s power comes from knowing who he is and what he’s here for. When we are weak in this area, a Full Moon in Leo will give us the motivation needed to figure it out.

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Candle Ritual for Attracting a Family of Choice

Jan2023 NewMoon

During the Full Moon on January 6th, we offered a candle ritual to release unhealthy family dynamics and heal your wounded inner child. Now that the New Moon is in the sign of social Aquarius I’m sensing it’s a great time to consider cultivating a second-chance family of choice.

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Candle Ritual to Change the Family Dynamic Within

Jan2023 FullMoon

Storm Cestavani wisely interpreted this Full Moon in the sign of Cancer as a time to evaluate our ideas about our family dynamic. Since we are still in the Capricorn season, “doing magic” as opposed to “wish magic” will be the most effective way to make changes, if any are needed.

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Va Va Voom your Abundance!

Dec2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Capricorn on December 23, 2022

Forget the party, forget the last-minute shopping, drop everything, except showing up for work on December 23rd and do this candle ritual. It will make a big difference for you in 2023. This is the best time to do candle magic around getting a new job, a raise, a promotion, starting a new business, and putting fresh new energy into an existing business.

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Grounding Your Ideas So They Stand the Test of Time

Dec2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Gemini on December 7, 2022

Gemini energy is sparkly and inspiring and you may think you’ve hit the motherload of million-dollar ideas. Don’t let the Gemini Full Moon trick you into investing your time and hard-earned money into pie in the sky fantasies and unicorn dreams.

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For Best Results, Set Your Goals Now

Nov2022 FullMoon

 Full Moon in Sagittarius on November 8, 2022

It’s not too soon to start thinking about 2023, and a Sagittarius Full moon is the perfect time to put the right energy into your hopes and dreams for the future. The archer is more than happy to shoot his arrow straight into the heavens to deliver your goals and write them in the stars.

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For Best Results in 2023, Set Your Goals Now

Nov2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Taurus on November 23, 2022

It’s not too soon to start thinking about 2023, and a Sagittarius New Moon is the perfect time to put the right energy into your hopes and dreams for the future. The archer is more than happy to shoot his arrow straight into the heavens to deliver your goals and write them in the stars.

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Candle Ritual for Dropping the Mean Girl Act

Oct2022 FullMoon


Full Moon in Aries on October 9, 2022

We are solidly in a two-week cycle for dropping bad attitudes and character flaws that get in the way of letting our soul light shine. Take full advantage of the powerfully cleansing vibration of this full moon and dive into the personal work it takes to morph, emerge, and evolve into who you are meant to be.

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Candle ritual for a fresh start in your relationship

Sep2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Libra on September 25, 2022

We reach the heart of Libra season on September 25th, with the New Moon in the sign of the scales. Ordinarily, this would be an excellent time to draw a new relationship to you, but Mercury is currently 'wretched out,' and Venus (the ruler of Libra) is not at her best in Virgo.

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Candle ritual for improving your focus

Sep2022 FullMoon

Full Moon in Pisces on September 10, 2022

The Full Moon on September 10th is in the sign of Pisces. Your intuitive faculties will be at their peak. What would you do if you were feeling like Harry Potter when he drank the Liquid Luck potion? That’s what this moon will do for you.

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Candle Ritual for Believing in Yourself

Aug2022 NewMoon

New Moon in Virgo on August 27, 2022 

Have you read a self-help or self-empowerment book? They are pretty good at reminding you to love yourself, believe in yourself, and go for what you want in life. They drip with empowerment strategies, worthiness exercises, and encouragement speeches.

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